The 2024 graduation ceremony was held at Higashiyodogawa Hall. At the ceremony, Ms.Jasmine gave a…

End of year party【December 21, 2023】
This year’s End of year party is making decorations and decorating cakes in each class.
The students consulted and decided on the design of the decorations and cake, as well as how to use the budget. Even though yhey didn’t have much time to prepare, they worked hard on it. The finished products were all unique and wonderful, filled with interesting ideas, and the cakes were also very delicious. From Christmas trees to New Year’s decorations, these are sure to brighten up our school’s New Year holidays.
B1 Class
B2 Class
B3 Class
B4 Class
B5 Class
B6 Class
B7 Class
A1 Class
A2 Class
A3 Class
A4 Class