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    International Futurity Academy

    Medical Checkup

    Wednesday, July 31, 2024
    Students will go on summer vacation from August 1st to August 31st🌞
    Today, the last day before summer vacation, we conducted a medical checkup for all current students on campus!
    It was able to finish smoothly🏥
    Well, the students will have a long summer vacation starting tomorrow🌴
    We have explained the precautions for summer vacation for each class, and we ask that students spend their days being careful to avoid accidents and illness⚠️
    Also, it’s been extremely hot lately, and very scared of heatstroke💦
    When going out, take precautions such as drinking plenty of water, wearing a hat, and using a parasol!!
    The start date of classes after summer vacation is September 2nd (Mon)🏫
    We hope the students have a meaningful summer vacation(^^)/
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